Monday, October 22, 2012

When the Mouse is Away...

...the cats (and dog) get even more attention from mommy.

Normally, Berta sleeps in her own bed, but I just couldn't resist filling Ian's void with my noisy little nugget. I had a full bed! And, man, can that girl SNORE.

Ian took off for Buffalo to celebrate Granpda Stouffer's 90th birthday and I got a very special visit from some very special people, the Hugos!

The birthday boy, cheers to 90 years!

The Hugos!

Being the awesome people that they are, Megan and Dan brought new toys for the residents of the Belby Zoo. They were thrilled!

Berta chasing after a new tail ;)

Izzy doing it Gangnam Style...giddy up!

The jacuzzi is more the dog bathing station/cat play least it gets used!

All that playing is utterly exhausting.

The girls like to cuddle :)

Berta thoroughly enjoying her time on the big bed.

But she didn't want the couch to get jealous, she's an equal opportunist when it comes to sleeping!

Wrigley in the dog bed with the dog toy. An identity crisis, perhaps?

Kip's just loungin', stretching out those gangly legs of his!

Best day of my life, I found a warm spot!!

What do you mean I have to share the heat with the rest of the house?! 

NO FAIR, I was here first! I'm not moving...and I'm too cute to argue with.
Izzy: 1, Mom: 0

Lots of handy helpers while getting ready in the morning.

You don't need this sink, right?

Sniffin' the mudding job (and each other)

Catching some ZZZZZs and some rays, what a multi-tasker she is!

Wrigley tried catching some ZZZZZs on the couch,  but the little wrestlemaniacs made it tough... 

You guys are flippin' idiots, GOSH!

And to finish things off, Izzy Boo Boo and her, well, boo boo.

Everyone is excited for daddy's return! Well, Berta might not be thrilled to be relegated back to the floor, but his belly rubs are worth it. ;)

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