Monday, October 8, 2012

Summer is but a memory. BRRRRR.

Goodbye summer, hello hell winter. Technically, it's supposed to be fall, but Mother Nature must've lost that memo because it's flippin' COLD here!! So cold, in fact, that for my morning walk with Berta I wore the following:
2 pair of socks, 2 pair of pants, a tank/dri-fit long sleeve shirt/fleece, winter coat, gloves, ear warmers and my hood. Ian thought it was a little excessive (or maybe a lot), but I disagree. I say it's time to pack and up and move to Vegas!! 28 degrees in October is unacceptable.

So, anyway, seeing as we have artic temps now, it was time to close the pool. Boo hoo!

Berta watching dad, hard at work as always!

Hmmm, which tool should I grab to help?

Oh yeah, I forgot I don't have opposable thumbs, guess I'll sit back here and observe.

Meanwhile, indoors:

Back to the pool, time to blow out the lines, winterize the water and put on the cover :(

Closing the skimmer.

Closing the jets.

Making sure all the water is out.

Berta keeping an eye on things.

Time for her cover inspection.

Looks good! (I think she's sad summer is over, too.)

On it goes.

Almost there.

And it's on. Ugh.

Nailing it down for a loooong winter's nap.

Pouty lip for looking at this for the next 6 months!

Meanwhile, inside...

Tired furballs.

Sleepy kitties.

And a side project while waiting for pool chemicals to circulate...

I decided to be Martha Stewart-like (minus the convict status) and make a bouquet from our rose bush since flower season is done for.

Very pretty....but not sure it was worth the s@*tload of thorn pricks I got in the process (two of which are still embedded in my fingers, guess I've got nothin' on Martha.)

A little reminder of better days (aka warmer days) while they last.

Until next spring! Time to hibernate.

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