Monday, October 1, 2012

A day in the life of Berta.

The alarm has gone off--my parents are up and moving, but I am not ready to start the day. The curtain is keeping me so toasty warm, I just can't get out of bed!

15 seconds ago I was sound asleep (see above), but I heard my mom put on shoes, it must be time for a walk!

BEST DAY OF MY LIFE, she grabbed the leash!! PUT IT ON, PUT IT ON!!

Whew, that was fun. Back to napping. (Note: once again, she's using a pillow.)

 I hate it when my mom puts on her shoes, but heads down the stairs instead out out the door (with me, of course.) This is my less-than-thrilled face.

Passed out (with Frankie the turtle), I guess this is what being a "guard dog" means to her...."You'll get in (or out) over my playing-dead body!!"

Family nap time.

Maybe this is her version of "one leg under the covers, one leg out"??

I'm too afraid of him to tell him to get out of my bed, so I'll just take a rest over here. I wanted to sleep in this one tonight anyway.

And here I am with Frankie again! You'd think I would have enough live animals to hang out with, but instead I choose to cuddle with the Isabel Bloom turtle. Life doesn't always make sense.

I heard the garage door, dad's home!


Ahhh, I like him almost as much as Frankie. Or maybe just a little bit more. ;)

Crap, I leave for 5 minutes and he took over my other bed!

Guess I'll just call it a night right here.

Oh, hi. I didn't see you there. 
I know, I know, I'm pretty adorable.
My secret?
Lots of beauty sleep. :) 

Speaking of, I better get back to it. Sweet dreams!

She leads a really rough life.

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog :) Brittney loves sleeping on pillows too (like a human)
