Friday, October 12, 2012

Furball Friday!

Hang on to your tails, kids, because it's FRIDAY!!

The Belbys are excited, as you can clearly see (or maybe just assume):

The weekend's almost here, time to shake that tail and paw-tay!!

And since it's Friday, it's time to say hello to two very special HSSC adoptable animals:

This is Patches, she is our adorable Izzy's mama and now that both of her babies have been adopted, she's all alone and waiting for her fur-ever home! She's a little sad to be by herself (and I'm partly to blame, extremely guilty-feeling party of one right here!!), but you could make her day (and mine!) by making her yours!

(I will be forever grateful to the person/people who give her a warm bed to sleep in so she can use her litterbox only for its intended purpose!) And don't worry, I've already considered being that person, but we kind of have a full house already....

And this is super sweet, but shy, Sadie! She is a 2-year old brindle pitbull who was surrended because her owners didn't have enough time for her :( How could you not make time for that precious face!? Anyway, she is housebroken, great with kids and just a pleasure to be around. She just hit her three-month mark of being at the shelter this week, so it's time for her to upgrade her digs!

Remember how I told you she's great with kids? I wasn't just saying that, she really is. This little girl lives on our walking route (I think I mentioned her last week), she and Sadie became BFFs instantly! I was too busy loving their interaction to get a good action shot, but I finally thought to snap one as the little girl was saying goodbye.

So, as always, I invite you to visit the Humane Society of Scott County and see if your perfect pet match is waiting! And if you're looking for a little fun on Sunday, stop out for the
I will be there helping with the scavenger hunt and Berta will be with me looking unbelievably adorable in her tailgating outfit!! As it says above, you can get more deets on their website. Hope to see you there!

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