Thursday, October 18, 2012

Bouncing Back

I'm happy to report we had a rather uneventful evening following the very eventful and traumatic (mostly for me) morning yesterday. Little pistol Izzy is back to her normal self! If it weren't for her half-fat face, you'd never know she got skewered by the water heater yesterday. I guess there is some truth to "kids" being resiliant ;)

A welcome home greeting from Berta

And a kiss, too!

Snuggling on daddy

Giving lots of love and getting lots of attention

Who needs to turn on the heat when you've got these little lap warmers? 

The little devil with a sweet angel's face :)

The stressful day really wore Berta out!

Not letting a little hole in the face get in the way of her appetite, Miss Piggy was hungry!

Searching for some makeup to cover her poor judgment from the morning prior??

Easily distracted by shiny objects (just like her mama!) :)

What do you mean this isn't a cat toy?! It doesn't have any sharp edges!!

Playing in the shoe pile in the closet...a low-risk spot (knock on wood)

Izzy is smaller than Ian's shoes! Hence why the door has accidentally been closed prior the kitties' exit on occasion ;) Luckily, they both have a powerful set of lungs. And the closet is low-risk for ER visits!

Back to being full of piss and vinegar! And Kip giving new meaning to the term "ankle biter":

And just because it's cute, Izzy playing with my headband:

So, as you can see, Izzy has basically fully recovered. Me, not so much.

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