Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Our First Trip to the ER.

Remember that oh-so-popular Mega Dollar toy I bought the kittens a few weeks back? No? Well, you aren't alone.Apparently that toy is old news to Miss Izzy, she needed something more exciting to play with.

She chose this:

Yes, that's a piece of metal about as big as she is. It ended up lodged into Izzy's mouth and cheek. How it happened exactly, I have no idea. I take Berta for a quick stroll around the block every morning before work, and when I returned from that walk this morning I heard cat screaming and crying coming from the basment. I knew something wasn't right, but I didn't realize how wrong it was. Izzy must've been batting and biting this piece of metal as it hung off the water heater (a piece I didn't know existed until today) and the hook got stuck in a cavity up in her cheek. When I found her she was bleeding, scared to death and trying to get away from the metal...however, she was just making things worse because the metal was attached to the heater by a wire thread.

So, what did I do? I panicked. Then I called my mom, panicking. After a few deep breaths, she was able to understand me and rushed over to help. She used my handy crafting scissors to cut the wire and free Izzy from the heater, but Izzy and the metal were still one. We rushed to vet, and they rushed her in and surgically removed the lodged piece from her little face. With a heavy dose of antibiotics and a syringe full of pain meds, she should be on the mend. Hopefully she learned her lesson as to what are acceptable cat toys and what are not!!

In the car on the way home from the vet. She wanted to be anywhere but in her carrier.
Well, anywhere but in there or attached to the water heater.

Her little face and her swollen cheek.

Drinking water (and swollen face)

Get me home!! Unhappy girl :(

It was a scary morning!! Luckily, everything turned out okay--Izzy is currently at home, lounging in the laundry room where, hopefully, there are no sharp ojects tempting her. I am ready for a dull moment ;)


  1. SO happy that my little grandkitty is okay. (her mommy too) It was a terrifying thing to see! Poor Jenny was helpless until I arrived - not sure which one was more scared!!! My poor baby girls!!

  2. Crazy animals!!! I once came home for lunch to find Malcolm (my first cocked spaniel) hanging from my 10 speed bike..he was literally standing straight up!!!! His collar got stuck on part of the bike..don't ask me what he was doing to get into that predicament!
