Monday, October 8, 2012

Visitors to the Belby Zoo!

The LaCrosse Belbys made a pit stop at the zoo on their way through town. Lucky for them, Sunday is free admission day.

Dylan saying hello to his like-sized friend.

He loves cats!

You have three of them? And a dog?!

Best day ever!! (Look at that smile, so cute!)

Nice doggy.

Hey, Kip, high-five!

Izzy, I'm taking you with me.

You're just my size, we're a perfect match!

Don't turn your back on me!

Listen here, little man, we need to talk about your technique.

Practice on Frankie, he won't mind.

But I love cats, not turtles...

I'll be gentle this time, I promise!

Mommy said it's nicer to give hugs...

So, here you go! I love you, kitty cat!

There was no shortage of love for Berta either.

Wrigley figured he'd keep guard at the craft table...and keep his distance. He resurfaced about 15 minutes after the zoo closed, he's not huge on visitors.

Kip and Izzy were worn out, toddlers are so much work!

As I've said before, always worth the price of admission!

1 comment:

  1. I wish you could see the BIG smile on my face! Not only are the pictures absolutely adorable, but your captions are even BETTER!!!!!!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!!!
