Monday, October 15, 2012

Mud, Storms and Naps Galore

We had the first rainy weekend in quite some time (unfortunate that it coincided with the supposed-to-be-outdoors FUR-stival, but oh well.) Normally the majority of Berta's walks are spent sniffing for rabbits, peeing on weeds (seriously, it's her favorite pastime next to snoozing) and pulling us in the direction of rabbits and weeds, but this weekend she had fun with the rain:

Yummy, puddle water!

Have to smell every grate we walk by...

Another puddle, yum! So much tastier than the clean, fresh water mom and dad put out around the house for me.

Fun in the fall leaves!

Then it was back home for some indoor activity:
Dad, isn't it so fun hanging out on the couch together watching baseball?

This is the life.

The Yankees are winning?! I can't watch.

Geez, guys, haven't you ever heard that three's a crowd? I was here first!

Apparently reading puts all the animals to sleep! Snoozin' Izzy.

This big guy is a great pillow...until he realizes it's me laying on him ;)

Do it again, Izzy, and you're in BIG trouble. Kip, don't you go getting any ideas either. I'm your big brother, not your friend. Go see the dog if you want a buddy....

That's it, Izzy!

Don't say I didn't warn you, little lady!

Well shoot, I wasn't prepared for you to fight back.

Kitten nap time

Wake up, Kip! I wanna play!


Izzy!! If you wake me up again, I'm gonna sit on you!!

He ain't heavy, he's my brother. 
(And I asked for it.)

The cats are dominating the beds. Poor Berta.

Luckily, she's pret-ty comfy on the couch. 

I'm beginning to think Izzy is part parrot, she is always on your shoulder!

Just hangin' out, shoulder-style.

 Comfy little kitty on a comfy big handyman.

1 comment:

  1. I'm always at a loss for words when I read this blog! ADORABLE pictures and adorable, amazing writing!!! I look forward to new entries because it just makes my day! This and Jujubes are about the best thing for a natural high!!! :-)
