Monday, October 29, 2012

Can I Help You?

The little ones are always eager to lend a hand paw around the house. If only we could teach them to scrub the floors and clean the toilets (or maybe use the toilets, that'd be nice!)

Hey dad, what's for dinner? I'll help you find something tasty!

Cleaning out the fridge and its compartments...

Why do they use that sudsy brush thing? Don't they know you use your tongue for cleaning!?

We got winner!

Our little Mario and Luigi (or Mario and Princess Toadstool)

I better make sure this washer is clean before you do another load.

Laundry day is so much fun!

Clean clothes? I better make sure they have an adequate amount of fur on them before they get put away.

Who needs an oven or microwave to keep pizza warm? People without cats, that's who.

I thought if I kept it company the chicken would thaw faster.
(FYI-I came home from work to find the sink...just hanging out...with a bag of chicken breasts.)

Daddy brought home FISH!!!!!!!!!!! Since mommy won't go near it, we better be good little cats and help daddy eat it. We're so considerate and helpful!!

Don't worry, guys, I got the ironing covered. Just as soon as I finish playing with the strings on the board... 

You don't know what to wear today? Here, let me help.

Berta doing her best E.T. impression in the closet. And making sure the sleeves of my shirts have fur on them. What a help she is!

When do we get our allowance? We accept treats, toys and walks. You choose.

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