Wednesday, October 24, 2012

It's All Fun and Games Until Someone Ends Up In a Cone.

The good news is that Izzy's boo boo is healing well and right on track, the bad news is that it itches and she has been scratching it open. It wasn't pretty. she's a conehead!!

On our way to get kitten shots (and a cone)...already not amsued!

Trying to open it from the outside...if only she had opposable thumbs.

Trying to escape the needle and cone at the vet's office, but there's nowhere to run to, baby, nowhere to hide...

Berta is inspecting Izzy's new accessory

Drinking water from the bowl is a little trickier with the cone, but she figured it out.

Eating, too.

Navigating around the house without running into walls, not so much. Poor little lady!

 I can't fit through anymore! Dannnng it!

The owie precipitating the cone, ouchie.

The little nugget with her adorable headgear :)

That's an ugly hat, Izzy! 

Kip, quit making fun of my cone or else!!

Seriously, mom?! Not fair, none of the other four-leggeds have to wear a stupid helmet!

Don't worry, Izzy, I still love you! Girl power!

Sleepy little conehead.

Two tired girls.

Some little leg cuddles.

A little naptime footsie

Furry couch potatoes

Dad, can you believe mom is making me wear this thing!? It's not even cute!

The girls in the house (me included) are happy to have Ian home!

And speaking of Ian coming home, he brought cheese!

A LOT of cheese. If only we had mice at our zoo, they'd be well fed!

It's hard to get comfy with a cone on...

One T.O.'d little kitty!

In other news, Berta got to meet Great Grammy and Bisch! Unfortunately, her fear of men still exists (she only trusts her daddy), so we only got photos of becoming BFFs with Grammy Bev. It was love at first sight!

Don't forget, this is my happy face!

Just making herself at home on the couch with Grammy.

Gimme a kiss!!

 *I went home over lunch today to let Berta outside to enjoy the 80 degree sunshine and discovered a cone-less Izzy. She somehow Houdini-d herself out of the was still intact, bow tied and all. How she manages to do the things she does, I'll never know!

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