Monday, November 5, 2012

Welcome to Sleepy Hollow *updated*

Sleeping is a major activity under the Belby roof and this weekend was no exception. Lucky for me (and this blog), the furry ones did a lot of adorable group napping this weekend and here are the photos to show for it:

Are those kids gone yet!? I am in need of a serious nap, they wore me out!

OOOOH! Someone smells like she got a bath!

Yep! So fresh and so clean, clean!

I love it when my bed gets fresh sheets ;)

Hey mom, does this thing come with a mute button?! It's hard to sleep when she snores SO loud.

The girls catching up on their beauty sleep
(either the freight train lulled her to sleep or Izzy was able to tune Berta out)

Sleepy faces

Dreaming of rabbits and strings

Sister snuggles!

Mooooommmmm! Wrigley's looking at me funny!!
(Napping appears to be a spectator sport in our house.)

Izzy got over the watch-cat and went right back to sleep.

Just bein' comfy.

I LOOOOOOOOVE to sleep!!!!

Oh, good, you're awake! Now I can chase and bite your wagging tail!
(Berta does NOT appreciate this.)

Mom, I don't know what you're talking about when you stay stop biting Berta's tail....I'm just sitting here minding my own business and being cute.
 (No she's not.)

Next came time to change the sheets on the bed (everyone had a fresh place to sleep this weekend)...a favorite time of Wrigley's.

Rolling around on the mattress is so much fun! And the instant the duvet hits the floor, Berta makes it her bed.

Sock monkeys and kitties, a great combination.

Berta is not enjoying the Hawkeye game on TV (nor was her mommy.)

Look, mom! I'm warming up your spot, you're so lucky to have me! PS. When it's time for you to actually get into your spot, you're going to have to physically remove me because I'm not budging on my own.

Now, back to Sleepy Hollow:

Izzy's turn to serve as a pillow for Miss Berta

Berta keeping Izzy warm while Izzy keeps Ian warm :)

Izzy's belly makes for a nice, soft place to lay your head!

Snug as a bug in a rug.

Why does my pillow keep meowing, doesn't it know I'm trying to sleep!?

There, much better :) Unfortunately, mom made me move because apparently I was suffocating Izzy with my floppy beagle ear. Whatever.

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