Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Bunch of Hams.

A week ago we invited my dad over for a yummy ham dinner...and we learned that our furry babies love ham as much as we do!

                                                     A welcome kiss to papa from Izzy

Then she goes straight for the diamonds (after the attempted, unsuccessfully, to drink his Jack)
What can I say, she is her mother's daughter when it comes to diamond loving ;)

Berta observing the ham carving...and desperately hoping for a piece (intentional toss or unintentional drop, she didn't care)

Kip got banished to the office because he is a naughty little scavenger and would NOT stay off the countertop and away from the ham!

Nah-nah-a-boo-boo, I'm out here and you're stuck in there!

Let me out. Please. I'll be good.
(No I won't.)

Wrigley was unimpressed by the ham and the begging his siblings were doing for it!

Izzy got herself a piece!

And then growled at it. Unfortunately, this video is sideways and has background noise from doing dishes, but it is still funny :)

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