Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Recovering Isabelly.

Little Izzy is back home and recovering from her surgery. She took it like a champ...and now looks even more adorable with a shaved belly. I wonder how many passes with the razor it took them to get her big ol' Isabelly?! I'm surprised we didn't get charged for a new battery.

                                                                  Our little lady is home!

Getting a welcome home sniff from Kip

And Berta

I told Kip he couldn't wrestle Izzy and that he had to be nice....

This was his response. Ouch.

Izzy attacking the light switch, apparently she didn't like her post-surgery body in the bright lights!

Shaved kitty belly.

Another scar to add to the collection

I can't believe the doctor didn't give me the tummy tuck I asked for, how rude!!

Just lettin' it all hang out!

You can easily overlook a big belly with a face this cute.

Surgery make me sleepy.

So tired. And I think Kip farted.

Sleepy sisters, part 800?!


We're sexy and we know it.

These faces melt my heart.

I sure do love you, Berta!

I love you, too, gimme a kiss!!

Berta, keep your ears to yourself!!

Izzy doing her best Berta impressions...







Two peas in a pod, these two.

A little ball of Izzy.

Our little chunk.

Getting lots of love from daddy.

And giving it right back!! A kiss, a bite...poe-tay-toe, poe-tah-toe.

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