Thursday, November 29, 2012

Festival of Trees.

Our annual family tradition of cutting down the Christmas tree was even more fun this year thanks to a certain four-legged funny girl. Since we have no idea where Berta came from or what her life was like pre-Belbys (not as awesome as it is now, obviously), this very well might have been her first trip to the tree farm. And, surprisingly, she didn't sniff out and/or pee on every single tree like I thought she would (apparently, Christmas trees aren't as exciting as mailboxes.) A great time was had by all!

And we're off!

Weeeeeeee! I love car rides!!

Seriously, can't this thing go any faster!?

Fresh air, I love it!


It smells goo-ooood out here!

Ahh, this is the life.

Ears flapping in the wind, not a care in the world!

 And an action shot of the flapping, floppy ears.

Doggie smiles!

We should do this more often, guys.

We've arrived at Mumma's! Time for the annual picture in the cutouts :)

Enough smiling, time to sniff.

Time to get to cuttin' down the tree!

Berta found an Izzy tree....short and fat.

So many trees...

So little time...quick taking pictures and pick up the pace, mom!!

Guess she found something she liked under there.

And we found our tree, yay!

Presenting the Belby Tree 2012!

Looking good!

One last shot before it comes down and comes home with us...

Let the sawing begin...

Lumberjack hard at work.

Berta and her tree (I had to help)

Do these pine needles make me look fat?

Woooohoooo, we got a Christmas tree!!

Good job, dad, let's get that in the truck.

An action shot of Ian with the tree...and Berta's tail being really excited about it.

Whew, that was a lot of work. Time for a nap on the car ride home.

And apparently I am out of space again, so that will be the last photo for now!

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