Monday, November 5, 2012

Round 2 of Visitors to the Belby Zoo. *Updated*

Wrigley (who remained MIA during the entire visit), Berta, Kip and Izzy were paid a visit by their two-legged cousins, Ethan and Carter, on Friday night. There was a lot of chasing, laughing and a few awkward pick-ups involved, but I think they all had a fun time :)

Carter found a new buddy in Izzy

And Ethan found one in Kip

Ethan and Izzy

Pint-sized Izzy is always a crowd favorite...and Berta always wonders why no one man-handles her!

Having fun with the hut in the cat tree

Peek-a-boo Izzy!

Another prosperous day at the Belby Zoo! (If only we really did charge admission...)

*I had several cute pics of Carter and Berta being buds, but I got a new phone and I don't have access to my old cell pics at the moment...I will update as soon as I upload, but I'm sure you'll forget to check back ;)

And here are the pics I'm promised:

This dog is heavy! It's better to pet her on the floor.
(And now Berta knows why kids don't try to man-handle her, she's too curvy!)

I'm not sure who loves the other more :)

Prior to hanging out with the Belby boys, Berta got to take the zoo show on the road to Grandma and Grandpa Smith's house. She was very excited about having a new place to sniff out.

Getting some love from the birthday boy!

You're really good at petting me! I love you!
(At 85 years old, Grandpa has lots of experience petting dogs, and Berta loved being the beneficiary of all that experience.)

Grandma was no slouch in the petting department either. 

Berta was one happy beagle Friday night :)

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