Friday, November 16, 2012

Bills Primetime Win!

Very exciting night in the Belby house/zoo...we all stayed up past our bedtime to watch the Bills whoop up on the Dolphins in the Thursday night game.

                                              Berta is resting up/saving her energy for kickoff.

Getting a double dose of Belby boy love, lucky girl! :)

Kip and Izzy showing their team spirit by napping on my lap...on the Bills snuggie.

I've got my game face on!!

Oh wait, a new lap to play on!?

The boys are focused....Izzy, not so much.

Are we winning??
(Yes, go back to sleep.)

Sound asleep on my shoulder :)

Look at me, I'm a tailback....
Get it!?! Hehehe. I love football humor.

Coming up with that hilarious joke was exhausting, time for a(nother) nap.

Berta checks the score.
(I adore this face so much.)

Bills win! Bills win! BILLS WIN!!!!
Her excitement is somewhat overwhelming. ;)

Wrigley's got a great seat for the post-game interviews.

I'm done watching, I couldn't understand a word CJ Spiller said.

All cheered out.

The aftermath of the post game celebration.
(A note to my mother and anyone else is IMPOSSIBLE to keep the pillows neatly lined up and in order because Berta's little beagle snout burrows them EVERY. TIME.)

It's been quite the sports week over here...R.A. Dickey brought home the Cy Young Award for the Mets, the Bills finally put up a "W" I just need my Hawkeyes to show up and show Ann Arbor (U of Michigan) who's boss!

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