Monday, November 5, 2012

Too Cute.

*WARNING: The material in this post might be TOO CUTE for some of you to handle and could lead to an overdose of adorableness. I will not be held responsible if the reading of this post results in adoption of kittens.*

Butt buddies.

And then it was back to kicking the crap out of each other :) Ahhh, good times.

I love our four-legged babies, they make me smile for so many reasons :)


  1. There has got to be a magazine that can use these pictures!!! These are just about the cutest thing in the whole world!!!! And the writing that goes with them is brillant!!!! You were right, this definitely put a HUGE smile on my face!!!!! WICKED CUTE!!!! :-)

  2. Thank you for the smiles today, but most importantly thank you for making me realize that I can NEVER just get one Kitty!! I must have 2 so they can be buddies like Kipp & Izzy!

    Here comes the tricky part of convincing someone... (JIMMY) to let me have them!?!

    Please keep all fingers and paws crossed!!!
