Tuesday, September 18, 2012

World's Laziest Pets.

It's widely known that cats are lazy and like to sleep. A lot. But would you believe me if I told you the best sleeper in our house was the dog? Hard to believe, but Berta outsnoozes all the felines under our roof. (However, if you are lacing up your shoes, she will go from sound asleep to wide awake with her tail-a-waggin' in about 3.5 seconds.) Ahhh, the life of a dog.
But back to our lazy pets. See for yourself.
Kip doing a little light reading and heavy napping.

Now that's some serious sleeping! Could that pose get more hilarious? (Dang Ian's phone camera lens for being "fah-gee")

Kip likes to hang out of/off of things while he sleeps.

Izzy knocked herself out after cheering on the Hawks during her first Iowa football game.

Snuggle bug!

Izzy loves her Papa, he has big shoulders for her to sleep on!

Berta is not asleep here (obviously), but this definitely qualifies for the LAZY post. Berta decided that she'd had enough on our walk Saturday night, but we hadn't arrived home yet. So, what else could we do but carry her?! SUPER lazy. Lucky for Ian's arms, she caught a whiff of a rabbit (or whatever else gets her beagle nose on high alert) and wanted down about a block later. It was too funny not to photograph.

Sleeping kitty faces are precious.

Just chillin' in a size-too-small box. Actually, this shouldn't be in the lazy post, it probably took a lot of effort to squeeze in there!

Typical Berta pose.

Another typical day in the life of Miss Berta. I love that she uses pillows like a human :) And snores like one, too.

Another shoulder snooze for Izzy.

Berta was anxiously awaiting the release of Izzy from behind that closed door, but she wore herself out with anticipation.

Being a Belby pet is hard work!!

1 comment:

  1. WHY WON'T MY DOG EVER NAP???? :) Too darn cute. Love them.
