Friday, September 14, 2012

Photo Friday!

Our week in photos:

Meet the newest Belby, Princess Isabelle/Isabella (jury's still out on which one it is..)

 Pretty much the first time she's ever been held, she's not so sure she likes it.

Exploring her new digs.

Kip trying to figure out what's on the counter by his milk.

 Berta trying to figure out why the old kitten got replaced with a new kitten.

 "Hey Mom, can we keep this one?"


How many siblings do I have?!

Back to drywalling! Update: two rooms are complete...that didn't take long....

 Future walk-in closet. Very exciting for this girl!

Putting the ol' beagle sniffer to use on Izzy.

Can't a girl get any privacy around here?


Maybe she won't see me behind this chair...

I see you!!

Ready to hug it out?

Kip keeping an eye on things from a safe distance. (Wrigley's definition of "a safe distance" is three rooms over.)

  Izzy and her 40-lb, floppy-eared shadow.

HSSC siblings!

"Doo, doo, doo, Looking out my back door."

Kip doing his best impression of a monkey...he must know that's the one animal left before the Belby zoo will be complete! ;)

Wrigley posing as a headrest for Laura and Lou posing as a cat tree for Izzy and Kip. One big, happy family!

Izzy posing as a chin rest. These pets are multi-functional! (And appear tasty, according to Berta.)

Couch potatoes.

Just bein' comfy.

A good night kiss from Berta, she loves the man that saved her!

Peace out, until next time!

And one last TGIF wish from Trinity @ HSSC! She is a ridiculously adorable Puggle. As you may be able to tell, she is also a tripod. Something happened to this poor girl causing her to lose a front leg and misalign her jaw, but she is happier than a bird with a french fry despite whatever misfortune she endured. If your house is three legs short of being a home, perhaps you should pay her a visit! She is ready and waiting at the Humane Society of Scott County! (

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