Thursday, September 13, 2012

Rainbow Bridge Residents.

I'm already tearing up and I've only typed the title (and this sentence.) Sadly, this post won't be funny and awesome, but there is nothing funny or awesome about losing a pet. In my pre-blog life, I was the proud pet mommy of Mr. Shelby Belby and Mr. Wrigley Belby.

Wrigley --><--Shelby

Okay, I take that back, there will be one funny/awesome thing about this post and that is that it includes my favorite, unintentionally awesome pet name--Shelby Belby. (I got Shelby when I started law school and had no idea who Ian Belby was!) Clearly, it was meant to be.

Unfortunately, we lost Shelby (aka Gentle Giant, the Shelephant, the Cartman of Cats) on June 2, 2012 and my life hasn't been the same since. Shelby was my first pet, my "roommate" in the first apartment I lived in alone, and the object of my affection for almost 10 years. He's also the one I was irrationally jealous of during finals time my first year of law school...there he was, napping away, while I was hunched over textbooks and outlines wishing I could be a cat. :)

Putting Shelby to sleep was THE hardest decision I've ever made and there is a part of me that wishes I could take it back. :( And being there with him when it happened was the worst day of my life, but I know he would want me holding him as he left this place. [I seriously have no idea how I will be able to handle losing a human loved one. I guess I'm just going to need all my family and friends to be immortal!] There's so much more I could say, but then I'd really be sobbing at my desk and my co-workers might get I'll just say this: losing a pet is like losing a part of yourself, it SUCKS. I miss Shelby every day and I tell him so just as often.

This post was prompted by a friend who just went through the same situation I did with Shelby. Amy, my heart goes out to you as you struggle with the loss of sweet Wrigley. I know he will be missed dearly. That adorable face will never be forgotten. :(

 Wrigs -->

And a similar pose by Shelber!

The Rainbow Bridge got yet another resident in 2012, this one from the Young family. Precious Abby was one of the sweetest dogs I've ever met and she was lucky enough to be a part of an incredible family for her long, happy life. I'm not sure who was luckier to have the other, Wendy or Abby! :) The world needs more dogs like her, but sadly, she had to leave. :(

<--Miss Abby

So, my deepest sympathies and most sincere thoughts go out to those of you who have gone through a death in your furry family. No matter what the circumstances are, it is a tragedy and takes time to get over. I now feel like I have four legs and a tail watching out for me from above, and I look forward to the day when I see Shelby again at the Rainbow Bridge. Until then, I will take comfort in knowing he is surrounded by Abby (Young), Wrigley (Propheter), Sylvester (Belby) ( - Shelby's brother/kitty-in-law), Max (Belby) (another brother/kitty-in-law) and long-time residents Tigger Smith and Junior Bird-Dog Smith. You are all missed!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful post. Now I can't stop crying!!! Love you Prophy!!xoxo
