Monday, September 17, 2012

Pets with a side of drywall dust.

It was a productive weekend in the Belby house. No, we didn't adopt any more pets...we marked more areas off as "DONE" in the basement. There are just a few little areas left to do, then the drywall hanging will be complete. Woohoo! As always, Ian has had a lot of supervision while working his "tail" off...

                                                                Here comes trouble...

Three tails are better than one.

"It's a time machine. We bought it online."

These gloves look tasty.

Kip wanted to inspect the drywall before it was hung.

Wrigley decided to join the chaos.

And then decided he wasn't a fan.

Being a foreman is hard work. Luckily, Ian has more stamina than Berta.

Hard at work!

Yep, that's drywall dust floating in the air...and covering Berta's butt. Wrigley is peacing out.

Berta found a cleaner spot to nap.

Her adorable paws covered in drywall dust. Which then walk all over our house/furniture/etc

Pigeon-toed Kip.

Handy man in action.

And the wall is finished! Kip is exhausted.

The mess. Oh, joy. Good thing I vowed not to clean...looks like Ian's got even more work ahead! ;)

Izzy: "Kip, you have the worst reflexes of all time!"
Kip (at the top of the stairs): "Try and hit me, Izzy."
Izzy: "What?"

Kip: "I said come down here and see what happens if you try and hit me."

Izzy's not scared! Or maybe Kip just told her to take a flying leap and she listened....

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