Monday, September 24, 2012

4 Tails + 4 Walls = Gr8 Fun!

The four tails in our house were especially cute this weekend. Maybe they are excited for the fall weather?

(Berta) I'm on a float!!

I'm not exactly ready for these days to be over with, but I guess it was inevitable. Bring on football season (although that has brought me a great deal of heartache already), sweatshirts and cuddling on the couch.

Speaking of cuddling (or huddling, if done while watching football), here's the pets' weekend in a snapshot:

Izzy discovered that Berta is not only a shadow, but a great pillow!

Bird's eye view of the snuggling furballs.

Wrigley isn't ready to jump in the huddle, but he's watching from the sidelines.

So strange that Berta is asleep on the couch! ;)

Best fur-ends.

And then it gets cuter...

These two are just the cutest!

"Maybe if I walk on them they'll wake up and play with me."
(Note: They did not. See "World's Laziest Pets" post.)

What's black and white and flippin' adorable all over?
Kip & Izzy! Complete with a drywall dust-covered nose on Kip.

Wrigley is also black and white and adorable all over, especially when he's cuddling on daddy :)

Izzy looking just precious while cuddling on mommy.

Kip didn't want to be left out!

Cat nap champions. 

And now back to the basement:

Berta sniffing for treasure.

We have walls!!! Ian did an incredible job hanging all the drywall, it looks great.

Kip giving his four-paws-up stamp of approval.

The bedroom.






  2. Your killin me with the cute pics!! Basement looks great!!


  3. Nice work Ian!!!
