Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Weddings and Pets, Two of My Favorite Things.

This past weekend, I had the honor to be a part of my dear friend's wedding. Not only is this girl one of the sweetest people I know, but she is an extreme animal lover like me! I didn't get to do a TGIF post from an HSSC animal this week because we were traveling for the wedding, but I now have an even better post that includes a bride and her dog. :) Weddings + Dogs (or cats, whatever the case may be...even better if it's monkeys, but I haven't found a way to swing that yet) = HEAVEN for this girl.

Wedding day morning, cutest shirt on Brittney (DOB-dog of bride), "Always the bridesmaid"
I am not going to talk about the bride's and my shirt...too painful.

<3 this girl, congrats Mrs. Geller!

And this is the serious side-eye I got from Berta upon my return from Minnesota. She was not amused that I not only left town without her, but I spent the night with another dog while away. I'm still earning her forgiveness.

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