Friday, September 14, 2012

The Cat Squasher.

I think scientists need to do a study to determine why it is that pets just love to be underfoot. Judging by the outrageous noises that come out when they get stepped on, it can't be fun for them. You'd think they'd see where our human feet are, where our human feet are heading and avoid them. I mean, come on, they have the best vantage point! But no, they find a way to place themselves right underneath a foot just as it's about to meet with floor. Awesome.

You don't have to be Miss Cleo to know what happened to me today..I stepped on Kip with pretty much my full body weight, Asic running shoe and all. (Good thing I was sporting those kicks though, otherwise I  would've impaled him with a Loub heel. That wouldn't have been pretty.) Now, this is not the first time I've stepped on a cat's body part (all unintential, do not report me to PETA!), and surely it won't be the last considering the sheer amount of pet body parts we have running around the house, but it was the first time I feared I'd actually caused damage. After playing a very one-sided game of hide-and-go-seek in the basement for 20 minutes, I was able to pick him up and apologize profusely. After placing him on the floor and offering him treats (he refused), he limped off. I thought I'd broken the poor guy's paw! Turns out, he is just fine. I paid him a lunch-hour visit and saw him tormenting Izzy with full force of all four legs...and eating all the freakin' chips. (Personally, I think he just wanted to see me grovel and was milking the injury to fill me with more guilt.)

So, crisis averted. Kip's training to become a cage fighter is still right on schedule. And, really, this all could've been avoided if he didn't have the worst reflexes of all time. Geez!

Evidence of his recovery:


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